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Are you ready to begin your journey?

This is an essential time for men and for fathers, we are all responsible for ourselves, our family and our world.

If you are a dad, you know this already.

Time is too short. Pressures are too large. Expectations always seem to be changing. 

Getting your kids to listen and engage, connecting with and supporting spouses and partners after harried and hectic days, staying focused at work and at home, changing the world and getting shit done -- it's an ongoing adventure! 

The JourneyMen Foundations coaching program is designed with you in mind; men who aren't looking for therapy, but need and want support, guidance and accountability on their fatherhood journeys. 

This is not your everyday men's group. 

  • Craft your own tools for responding to life's many obstacles
  • Navigate your inner challenges more effectively
  • Discover the most important treasures in your life
  • Learn to make better use of your time
  • Feel increasingly motivated AND more fully equipped to reach your goals.
  • Become more present and engaged with your family and at work
  • Deepen all of your relationships
  • Get out of your way more efficiently and effectively
  • Become the purposeful men you see in yourself
  • Realize both the strength and fun in connecting with other men on similar journeys

The JourneyMen Foundations program cultivates your character, guiding you to write your own story and connect to what is most important to you.

JourneyMen Foundations

Program Components

  • 3 month group coaching program for fathers

    Eight men per group - a perfect size for group support and accountability + Private online and text community for accountability and support - outside of Facebook and other social media

  • Individual and group coaching

    Weekly group coaching (~13 sessions) + 2 individual coaching sessions (in the beginning for goal setting and at the end for future planning and processing.)

  • Full access to the JourneyMen Framework

    Twice monthly themed educational content, challenges, tools and strategies

Testimonials from the JourneyMen

"I'm not the only one."


Doing the work with a group of like-minded men was so helpful and reassuring that "I'm not the only one" that finds being a dad challenging. Now I have tools that I can use in the moment with my son that helps me calm down, become present and parent from a place of connection and guidance, rather from frustration and overwhelm.

"This program works!"


I found the journey to be inspiring, challenging, and in the end insightful. I tend to be a fairly open person but this challenge you placed on me was interesting. It forced a look at who I am as an individual, spouse, and father, and eventually, change has come forth.

"I wasn't focusing enough on myself."


It's social, it's introspective, and it kicked my butt to shift some well-worn patterns so that I could be a better person, parent and partner. It was an opportunity to connect with other men, learn from their similar challenges, and support one another to go deep and develop skills to more skillfully paddle through the rapids of life.

"I’ve identified my blocks and obstacles.


This group helped me to use the creativity of a group of committed dads to not feel alone, to feel more diversity of thought on how to tackle issues and to ‘put my Imp in its place, even though it doesn’t want to stay there!” I’ve identified my blocks and obstacles, so I can do a better job of controlling and managing them!

Founder and Lead Guide Jason S. Frishman, PsyD

Hello and nice to meet you! My name is Jason and I'm a husband and father (2 boys!) I am a men's coach and psychologist; an adventurer and creative cook; and an everyday lover of stories! For over 25 years, my mission has to been to help boys, men and families live connected and adventurous lives, everyday! Our lives are made up of so many stories; I help men to both write and live their preferred stories. Together we build connection and presence and choose to engage in the things that are truly most meaningful. This way, we work to change the world, together! I help fathers struggling to balance work and family become more confident, connected, and fully alive.

Ready to take this next step in your Fatherhood Journey?